Chup-Chup's Blog II

A gay Argentinian in Israel, my daily life, my work, relationships, and whatever I feel like sharing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

was i dreaming?

woke up this morning and left my apartment on my way to work...while europe is under the snow, in tel aviv we are wearing t-shirts...i even bought a new coat i can wear cause it's been so hot outside. in any case, i live in a very central point of the city, lots of cars, noise and gay i'm walking down sheinkin street (my street), and a duck walks out of a building. i stood there looking at the duck and thinking that maybe i'm not awake yet, but suddenly an old guy walking in front of me looked at the duck, then looked at me and asked "what's that?"..."a duck" i answered..."i know, but wtf is a duck doing here?", he said. i couldn't stop laughing about the surreal situation. actually it has not been my first encounter with an animal lately, two night ago i got home and i found a cat sitting on my I becoming Dr Doolittle or something? (my brother decided the name of the cat is "Beto").


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