tnx for the present...

remember in my last post i was all excited about this guy i met? well, things are going somewhere, but not where i thought. i find myself thinking about him a lot less, kind of lost that first feeling (and when u lose that after a week of knowing someone, there is something wrong). i think this change is cause by two main reasons: first of all, this "let's go slowly" thing, is kind of getting old. i mean, i can be tolerant and understanding...but we haven't met for 4 days. it is true, he calls every night and texts me during the day...but 4 days!? i mean, come one...when i meet someone i like i want to see him all the time, i have to stop myself from calling. what is wrong with u O?
the other thing is that during the weekend i started to feel a little discomfort down other words it burned when i wanted to pee. i thought urinary tract infection right away, it is not the first time i have that and the symptoms were pretty much the same. i went to the doctor and he gave me some tests..but the results would only be ready on Thursday and I couldn't pee, i mean i could, but it burned! so, with half of the test results (the other half, the mos important, would be ready in two days) i went to other doctor and he told me he didn't think it is an infection...he thought it was either Chlamydia or Gonorrhea, I was kind of shocked cause before being with O on Thursday, I haven't had sex for the last 3 months (i know, it is sad)...and those diseases don't show up that fast...the doc told me it could be that, even if we only had oral sex, that was enough. i got antibiotics that are good for both, STD and infection and i'm getting the final results on Friday...the thing is that if it was and STD, I totally got it from him and I'd have to talk to him and tell him U GOT ME AN STD, U SOB!!!
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