leche means milk in Spanish, and yesterday I had my piece of milk. I saw Gus Vant Sant's movie, with an amazing Sean Penn and great performances by all the cast... the movie is very good (thou a little long for my taste)... but actually what shocked me the most was to see gays fighting the same fights, then and now...it was Prop 6 back then, now it is Prop 8... it is true, the movie also shows the reality gay people was living back then and we have improved a lot from the 70's...but shockingly we are still fighting for basic rights.
i've heard Milk was kind of a jerk...he had his issues and you can see it in the movie...but i can't help to think what could have happened if it wasn't for people like him, who had the balls to fight for our rights... i have to thank him and many like him for having the chance to drink beers in Evita without worrying the police will come and kick my ass.
here's the movie's trailer: