i'm slowly going crazy here. maybe because i've been single for almost 2 years and i really want not to, maybe because i hate my job and i need a vacation ASAP or maybe because Tel Aviv is one of the hottest places on Earth right now...i'm just going nuts.
regarding the being single, there is not much i can do but to keep trying. my awful job is stable enough to allow me to pay my rent and have a normal life, besides this is not the best moment to switch jobs. tel aviv being hotter than hell right now...well, i go from the office to the mall, from the mall to the gym, and then home...any place with AC is good enough. but the vacation thing is not going to happen. i was planning to surpise my mom for her b-day and going to Argentina, but she told me couple of weeks ago she wants to come in September instead of December as previously planned.
yesterday i was really tired, 32 degrees and 70% humidity at 10pm, i had a looong day cause i went out on Monday and i just needed to sleep. i decided not to go to the gym and take a nap instead. i woke up not knowing where was I, what time it was, nothing. it took me like 10min to understand what was going on. i woke up and checked my computer, my mom was on MSN and asked me to take a look at her itinerary...i red it slowly checking dates, flying companies, connections, etc. i got to the arrival date, September 29th...departure date...November 11th!!!! i didn't know how to react. i love my mom and i love having her at my place, but my sexual and love life is pretty dead as it is, having my mom for a month and a half will not help at all...i'll be hardly able to touch myself!

knowing her being sensitive to some stuff, i knew i couldn't tell her "1 month and a half is a lot!!!" i told her "you know i'll probably kill you before we reach the month and a half right?" what she shamlessly answered: "oh, c'mon, it is not a month and a half"...
well, in my little world, a month and 13 days sounds pretty much as a month and a half!
i will be like survivor, the one who reaches the end, wins.
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