last night i went to Madonna's show in Tel Aviv...no words can explain what i witnessed. i know i haven't been to many shows as this one, but i believe that after last night, no show can do better than Madonna's Sticky and Sweet Tour. 60 thousand Israelis arrived to Park Hayarkon to see the Queen of Pop, doors opened at 5.30 and while waiting for her to take the stage Paul Oackenfold did his thing (with all the respect, he could have just stayed home and let any FM station put the music). With a delay of 40 minutes (according to some sources she was doing her yoga before going on stage), she appeared and the magic started. i saw her 5cm high, but for s

ome reason i couldn't help to be freaken excited to see one of the pop culture icons of the last 25 years. and boy, that byatch was fierce! song afater song, dancing non stop, and not even getting tired! one of the first highlights of the night came when she said "sing with me motherfuckers!"...we lost our shit with that...actually, everytime she said something to the crowd we all went crazy. song after song, when you believed "that was it", the highest moment of the show, something else happened proving you wrong. "u must love me" in an acoustic version was followed by a short speach were she apologyzed for not performing in Israel for 16 years, "4 minutes" with a virtual Justin Timberlake came and went, but when she started to play Ray of Light on her guitar and ordered us to jump, hell broke

loose...i never jumped and shouted so hard in my life...it was heaven (at least gay heaven). she finished the show before the last show of the Sticky and Sweet Tour singing "Get Stupid", and when she grabbed the Israeli flag, we lost it again big time...it was hysterical. suddenly, while she was saying bye, we saw tha one of the dancers was actually Lourdes, her daughter who hugged her until lights went off and a big "Game Over" sign, blinked on the screens.
one of the most amazing experiences EVER!
Thank you
Ynet for the pics.
Labels: gay, music